Alfalfa hay is an excellent source of good quality protein and fiber. Alfalfa is a legume hay in the pea family and is sometimes called “lucerne”. These hays are higher in protein and minerals and are more palatable than grass hays. Alfalfa in particular is high in energy and is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. When properly cured, alfalfa is the best of the legume hays from a nutrient standpoint. It has the most feed value of all the perennial pasture forages. Alfalfa is used as for horses, dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep, chickens, turkeys and other farm animals.
With its high nutritional quality, Alfalfa hay is one of the best and most popular horse feed varieties available. Alfalfa is included in the rations for young growing animals, breeding animals, and adult working horses. Its high protein, calcium and vitamin content make it especially useful in balancing rations for brood mares and young growing horses. Its palatability makes it especially popular for horses that are finicky about eating.
Alfalfa hay is harvested starting in early spring in Turkey, Fields are cut several times each season, up to three times in warmer growing regions. Nutrition is at its highest when Alfalfa is cut pre-bloom. This indicates that nutrition is maintained in the leaf and stem of the plant, instead of moving into the flower when the head is fully developed. Nutrition plays a large role in the quality and grading of Alfalfa, in addition to texture and color qualities that vary according to specific livestock requirements.
There are many horses who need extra calcium or protein in their diets, and alfalfa is an excellent natural source of those nutrients. Because of its taste appeal, higher digestibility, and the fact it is easier to chew, it is often a valuable addition to the diet of sick horses or senior horses.
There are many areas of the country where alfalfa is more readily available than grass hays and very reasonably priced. If you use alfalfa as your sole hay type, just be sure to get advice from a nutrition professional on how to properly balance your feeding program
Dry matter 91,3%
Calcium 1,6%
Phosphorus 0,3%
Oil 2,5%
Crude protein 17,0%
Crude protein, digestible 12,8%
Fibres 29,5%
Ash 9,4%
Energie, digestible 10,0 MJ/kgDM
ALFALFA Contains a lot of micro-nutrients, lasting protein, digestible fibres and energy to provide a safe, natural and healthy fodder. It can be used as a principal fodder or as a supplement to the other fodders.
Minerals and trace elements Calcium is essential for the structure of teeth, hoofs and bones. Bone contains between 9 and 10 percent calcium. Calcium is not only important for the skeleton but it is also essential for the function of nerves and muscles. The proportion of calcium and phosphorus in an animal is 1,7:1. Fresh grass and hay derivate from grass have this proportion too. Oats however may have a proportion of 1:6. Without additional calcium the body will then be using bone-calcium, which may have dangerous consequences for the animals.
Minerals %
Calcium 1,60 %
Chlorine 0,46 %
Phosphorus 0,30 %
Kalium 2,10 %
Magnesium 0,30 %
Natrium 0,08 %
Trace elements mg/kg product
Fluor 11,0
Cobalt 0,1
Copper 9,0
Manganeze 33,0
Molybdene 0,6
Nickel 1,6
Selenium 0,3
Iron 250,0
Zinc 22,0
Sulphur 2000,0
Proteins and amino-acid Protein is essential for all body functions. Animals need even extra protein when they are with young, suckling, growing-up, weak or recuperating. These animals need a well digestive protein with a good amino acid balance.
Amino-acid g/kg product % nitrogen Con.Substance
Arginine 7,3 4,26
Clycine+serine 15,4 8,97
Histidine 3,4 2,00
Isoleucine 7,4 4,32
Leucine 12,1 7,03
Lysine 7,6 4,39
Methionine 2,4 1,42
Methionine+cystine 4,7 2,71
Phenylalanine+tyrosine 13,8 8,00
Threonine 7,1 4,13
Trytophanese 2,9 1,68
Valine 9,4 5,48
Contains 17 percent high value protein, which is more than hay (8%) and grains (10,5%). 75 percent of this protein is digestible, unlike hay with 50% digestible protein. The excellent quality of the protein is the result of a good balanced amino acid.